Lisa K Bonner, SPHR, PhD

Lisa K Bonner, SPHR

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Human Capital Management VP/Director

As a highly skilled Human Capital Management VP/Director, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the HCM function, consistently demonstrating a results-driven and team-oriented approach. My specialties include workforce analytics and insights, employee assessment and evaluation, labor relations, professional development, organizational development, diversity and inclusion, and HR generalist practices. I am a visionary leader who consistently delivers results through my strategic thinking and ability to drive change. I am committed to creating positive, inclusive, and productive work environments and to supporting employee development and success.

photo of Lisa K Bonner
Lisa K Bonner, SPHR - Human Capital Development Expert a.k.a #BadBossFixer #HRQueenOfHrts

Experience Summary

  1. Workforce Analytics & Insights: Utilizing a range of data sources, I provide comprehensive integration, analysis, and reporting to support informed business decision-making. My expertise spans various areas, including selection & placement, training & development, organizational change, leadership, retention, performance evaluation, and total rewards.
  2. Employee Assessment & Evaluation: With a strategic approach, I design, develop, and execute evaluation plans for employee engagement, recruitment, succession planning, and leadership development. My goal is to provide actionable insights and recommendations for continued improvement.
  3. Labor Relations: Committed to fostering positive labor-management relations and a productive work environment, I apply and negotiate collective agreements and workplace policies to ensure fair and equitable treatment of employees.
  4. Professional Development: I create and implement programs to support employee growth and development. I assess organizational learning processes, identify high-potential employees, and oversee executive development and training initiatives. I also coordinate 360º assessments, provide feedback, and facilitate development sessions to support employee growth and success.
  5. Organizational Development & Planning: I specialize in designing, implementing, and managing programs that assess current and future organizational and employee development needs. My goal is to drive organizational growth and effectiveness.
  6. HR Leadership: With expertise in talent management, diversity, performance management, change management, and organizational development, I provide strategic leadership and guidance to the HR function.
  7. Executive Coaching: As an experienced executive coach, I have a proven track record of driving success through coaching and developing organizational leaders.
  8. Diversity & Inclusion: I create and implement comprehensive diversity action plans, ensuring that the organization is an inclusive and equitable workplace for all employees.
  9. HR Generalist: With a broad understanding of all aspects of HR policies, procedures, and rules, I bring expertise in payroll and a deep understanding of HR best practices to my role.
  10. Training and Project Management:  I have a proven track record of successfully managing HR projects and designing impactful training programs for employees at all levels.

Workforce Analytics & Insights

With a focus on HR and Administrative process improvements, I have consistently delivered results that drive increased productivity and efficiency. My expertise in process optimization, change management, and vendor management has allowed me to create impactful improvements for the organizations I have served.

One of my proudest accomplishments was my work which resulted in an 83% increase in productivity and efficiency, both in-house and with vendor partnerships. This outstanding outcome was achieved through my efforts to:

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of current HR and administrative processes
  • Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for change
  • Develop and implement new, optimized processes
  • Streamline and automate manual tasks
  • Establish stronger relationships with vendors and negotiate improved service levels
  • Measure the impact of the changes and continuously make improvements
This achievement demonstrates my ability to drive transformational change in HR and administrative processes, and my commitment to creating a more efficient and effective workplace. I am confident in my ability to bring my experience and skills to a new challenge and deliver similar results for your organization.

Employee Assessment & Evaluation

With a track record of success in developing HR programs, systems, and documentation, I have demonstrated my ability to drive significant improvements in the employee experience. My expertise in HR strategy, implementation, and execution has resulted in tangible, measurable outcomes for the organizations I have served.

One notable accomplishment was my work that resulted in a 47% increase in employee satisfaction in less than 8 months. This impressive outcome was the result of my efforts to:

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of current HR programs and systems
  • Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for change
  • Develop and implement new HR programs and systems
  • Create clear and comprehensive HR documentation
  • Provide ongoing training and support to HR and line managers
  • Measure the impact of the changes and continuously make improvements

This achievement speaks to my ability to drive meaningful change in HR, and my commitment to creating an exceptional employee experience. I have a proven track record of successfully designing and executing HR programs and systems that drive engagement, satisfaction, and business results, and I am eager to bring my experience and skills to a new challenge.

Labor Relations

With over a decade of experience in Labor Relations, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. I have successfully navigated complex contractual negotiations and effectively resolved labor disputes with various labor unions. My experience with AFSCME, Teamsters and the FOP has given me a deep understanding of the legal and practical aspects of labor relations and has equipped me with the skills to find creative solutions to labor issues that benefit both the organization and labor.

My responsibilities have included:

  • Negotiating and administering collective bargaining agreements
  • Advising management on labor relations matters and providing guidance on contract interpretation
  • Representing the company in grievance and arbitration proceedings
  • Developing and implementing labor relations policies and procedures: MOUs, progressive discipline investigations, etc.
  • Building positive relationships with labor unions and representing the company in meetings with union representatives
  • Ensuring compliance with federal and state labor laws

I have a reputation for being a strategic thinker, a skilled negotiator, and a trusted advisor, and I am passionate about helping organizations achieve their goals while maintaining positive labor relations.

With a focus on accountability-based discipline and training, I have successfully reduced accidents, lost time, and “sick” callouts, while increasing productivity and project completion. My expertise in employee development, performance management, and process improvement has allowed me to create a culture of accountability and excellence in the workplace.

One of my most significant achievements was the implementation of accountability-based discipline and training which resulted in a 75% increase in completed projects within 8 months. This impressive outcome was the result of my efforts to:

  • Assess the current state of discipline and training processes
  • Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for change
  • Develop and implement new, accountability-based discipline and training processes
  • Provide ongoing training and support to managers and employees
  • Measure the impact of the changes and continuously make improvements

This achievement speaks to my ability to drive transformational change in the workplace, and my commitment to creating a culture of accountability and excellence. I am confident in my ability to bring my experience and skills to a new challenge and deliver similar results for your organization.

Professional Development

With a focus on performance management, employee relations, engagement, and retention, I have been successful in improving an organization’s overall employee ratings from 2.9 to 4.7 out of 5 in less than 2 years. My expertise in HR strategy, employee engagement, and change management has allowed me to create a workplace that is supportive, engaging, and inclusive.

One of my proudest accomplishments was my work with management teams to improve performance management, employee relations, engagement, and retention. This outstanding outcome was achieved through my efforts to:

  • Assess the current state of employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for change
  • Develop and implement new, employee-centered performance management, employee relations, engagement, and retention programs
  • Partner with management teams to create a culture of support, engagement, and inclusion
  • Measure the impact of the changes and continuously make improvements

This achievement demonstrates my ability to drive transformational change in the workplace and create a supportive, engaging, and inclusive environment for employees. I have a proven track record of success in improving employee engagement and satisfaction, and I am eager to bring my experience and skills to a new challenge.

Organizational Development & Planning

As the lead project manager for two consecutive HRIS system roll-outs, I expertly navigated complex organizational challenges and successfully brought both projects from concept to training. With a strong focus on communication, collaboration, and project management methodologies, I was able to drive the delivery of two high-quality, on-time HRIS implementations.

My responsibilities included:

  • Developing project plans, timelines, and budgets
  • Building and managing project teams
  • Communicating project status and updates to stakeholders
  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks
  • Overseeing vendor relationships and procurement
  • Coordinating user acceptance testing and training
  • Ensuring that the systems met all business requirements

Through my tireless efforts, I was able to bring both HRIS system roll-outs in under budget and ahead of schedule, while maintaining exceptional quality standards. The successful implementation of these systems has had a profound impact on the organization, streamlining HR processes, improving data accuracy, and enhancing the overall employee experience. I have received accolades from both upper management and end users for my leadership and project management skills, and I am confident that my experience and achievements make me a valuable asset to any organization.

HCM Leadership

As the lead project manager for two consecutive HRIS system roll-outs, I expertly navigated complex organizational challenges and successfully brought both projects from concept to training. With a strong focus on communication, collaboration, and project management methodologies, I was able to drive the delivery of two high-quality, on-time HRIS implementations.

My responsibilities included:

  • Developing project plans, timelines, and budgets
  • Building and managing project teams
  • Communicating project status and updates to stakeholders
  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks
  • Overseeing vendor relationships and procurement
  • Coordinating user acceptance testing and training
  • Ensuring that the systems met all business requirements

Through my tireless efforts, I was able to bring both HRIS system roll-outs in under budget and ahead of schedule, while maintaining exceptional quality standards. The successful implementation of these systems has had a profound impact on the organization, streamlining HR processes, improving data accuracy, and enhancing the overall employee experience. I have received accolades from both upper management and end users for my leadership and project management skills, and I am confident that my experience and achievements make me a valuable asset to any organization.